Also, I think we need an official EBD jacket like Commander Mark so people know we're not fucking around. Of course we'll need to take out some crayons to make room for switch blades, cigars, rolled up porno mags and little mini bottles of Jack Daniels.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hot Air Balloon VS Giant Floating Octopus
Also, I think we need an official EBD jacket like Commander Mark so people know we're not fucking around. Of course we'll need to take out some crayons to make room for switch blades, cigars, rolled up porno mags and little mini bottles of Jack Daniels.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Daily Hitler

The Daily Hitler has been featuring some great Nazi Christmas items, because Christmas really brings out the best in all of us.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Jacob's Shrine
Monday, December 22, 2008
Daaaamnn!!!! Youtube Videos You Need To See
Giorgio Moroder breakin it down..
Superjail Clip
Andy Kaufman at his finest..
And here's something to get you in the Holiday Spirit, now run and hide from Santa! This is right out of a Ren and Stimpy cartoon. I could easily see Wilbur J. Cobb saying this in the same voice to a quivering ball of scared Ren and Stimpy listening in horror at the reality of Santa and what he does to the bad.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
These are some maps i did where me & the director had some communication problems & i went a way too crazy on them. So, you get to see them early & i go back to the drawing board! I like this style though, i'll probably do some more stuff using this concept.
Here's M1 of Dead Prez with the Tofurky lunchbox i designed. My work is all over their website as well. Pretty weird to see people at Sundance sporting my ephemeral crapola. The lunchbox is being called "classic".
AND, a new seasonal Mr. Sean's Showbag. This one is for the New Year, which is my way of saying a universal Merry Christmas to all ragtag nonconforming individualistic cultures out there. I'm pretty obsessed with Punch & Judy.
You can get one for yourself or for some kids you know for $5 a pop. They include... a bunch of candy, gum, plastic toys, chinese finger trap, party popper, glow-stick, pogs, pack of Monsters, Weirdos & Creeps cards & the new FREE INSIDE Goblinko cereal box art mini-zine (full color) & whatever else i've got that's exciting lying around.
## 41 - 49
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Show Yer Desktops
Here goes mine, it's some kind of bubblegum machine insert. ~Mr. Sean.

Mother with dead child (käte kollwitz) *Agaiihine

Paleo here

i have this snappy Picasso faun at the center of my screen
That Kollwitz drawing is breathtaking.
TCJ Narrative Corpse 2
Among many other well-known and not-so-well-known artists, serveral members of this venerable gang participated in a comic jam project which originated over on the Comics Journal message board. It was the second such endeavor, went on for over a year and was recently concluded. It turned out really nice and I daresay Sean, Zeke, Aeron, Ray, Jon, David and myself (edit: and CHRIS!) did a pretty good job of defending the honor of the Ducks.
Here's the blog page where the whole thing can be read.
These are my pages - I originally handed them in in black & white, but added some greyscales later:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
La Commissure 2
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bill the Cat & Garfield on a Rampage.
I appreciate that my style & my inclinations have not changed in one bit since i was that age.
Something Sick and Fantastic
Edit - I was browsing flickr to see if there were pics of the Fantagraphics Beasts! print show that opened last night and found THIS. I was amused to find my print at (almost) the dead center of the photo collage.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Need Help In Photoshop
I've dug through photoshop tutorials and haven't found any answers to this, I'm hoping this isn't some weird problem that just my copy of PS is having.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Is It?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Ruined shopping mall.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Léo Quievreux: comix, graphzines, music

Here is an interview with Léo Quievreux. His graphic style is witty, personal and elegant.
May be some of you will take the opportunity of this interview to approach his work: Léo’s website
"A: Can you tell me more about Gotoproduction? Where can we find the books?
L: Gotoproduction started as a small editorial which was realized in collaboration with two friends of mine. Between 1991 and 2000, we published about 60 books (illustrations, texts, comix). Most of them were photocopied (we were very careful in choosing the quality of the paper, the cover, etc…) while others were realized using a printer (to make more copies). One of our motivations was to make known authors like Pierre Francon or Anne-Laure Draisey, whose work we very much appreciate. Although Gotoproduction has ceased its activity, some copies might still be available in the excellent bookshops « Un Regard Moderne » or « La Comète de Carthage » in Paris.

A: I first discovered your work in 'En costume' (edition chacal puant) and I loved those three pages… What were the circumstances when working with Olive and Blanquet?
L: Well… This is an old story. It was a short contribution.
A: You have published a lot with "Le dernier cri"…
L: Indeed, the collaboration with this publisher has been constant for the last 10 years, which gave me the opportunity to meet many authors from all over the world and also persons working in the publishing business (notably people of Strapazin –Switzerland). I also discovered the screen-printing (I’ve often involved in the printing process of my books in Marseille); I find it very interesting...
A: There are many characters in Sàg… Do you make use of stereotypes or is it rather a fictionalization of real people?
L: Some of them were inspired by memories from my childhood or adolescence in Alsace (a region in France)…For instance, my grandfather used to take me to the shooting gallery (in Sàg n°1, the "author" of the bullet holes in that target is me!) I keep precious memories of these moments as well as the image of my grandfather's colleagues at the shooting sessions: an universe marked by strong influences from the right-wing politics and « a cowboyish way of things ». Schmitt and Vogel are eloquent examples of characters inspired by these memories. However, there is certainly a lot of fantasy and playing with imagination in this story (and some more bucolic memories!)
A : What is the meaning of the three-letter word "Sàg"?
L: “Sàg” means “Legend” in Alsatian.

A: Do you have any projects in the works that you can share with us?
L: Yes, I am working on a book with "Le Dernier Cri"- 130 pages in black and white (which will be released in 2009). I am also preparing a new comix collaboration with Tanguy, and of course my own comix projects.
There are some other things as well, you will be able to find more details on my website…
The following drawings will be part of the book which Leo is planning on making with Le Dernier Cri: