Friday, November 14, 2008

Raggedy Ann and Andy Meet The Greedy

I found this while browsing Ogrish of all places. Gotta love a monster made of junkfood! Watch a video clip of this scene here.


SEAN said...

I remember you posting this on Art Dorks at some point... i saw this movie a whole bunch of times when i was a kid & it really flipped my shit out. That monstrosity is STILL disturbing. It's a hermaphrodite with a really obviously male voice, but it's wearing a bra & it's a big, pink gelatinous mess. So it's also female. This is basically the scene from Akira when Tetsuo becomes a cosmic biological mess, except made out of candy, no wonder i'm obsessed with both scenes. Anyhow, i'm going to try & find the scene with the melancholy opiate inspired camels.

Anonymous said...

ogrish? creep.

Aeron said...

I heart Ogrish.

Aeron said...

"This is basically the scene from Akira when Tetsuo becomes a cosmic biological mess, except made out of candy, no wonder i'm obsessed with both scenes."

I never thought of it that way but it makes perfect sense.