It seems every time I set out to draw very specific things in a very intentional manner, I end up with something embarrassing.Only seemingly innocuous activities like cleaning pens in the sink, and the accidental splatter that result are where I find what I'm after. Is it sort of hacky? Yep. I don't like feeling like I'm not responsible for all of it. I haven't really achieved, ( or is that a dead concept?) you know? I had a moment where I decided I was somehow being told to not try to control my art in such a severe way..

-Click to enlarge
Here's a pic that makes my fore-head look rather bulbous..

click to enlarge..
GOOD LORD! Your massive forehead is making me ill! Thanks for making me ill with your elephantine deformity!
I feel like I'm looking down at the lower half of a head that has just been blown off with a shot gun, only it's growing into some kind of creature from John Carpenter's The Thing.
hey one of the biggest questions of creating,
are we the portals or the creators?
I think that half and half is good, without you the accidents couldn't happen and we are not seperate from teh rest of existence etc.
The trick in the end is to be able to recognise the good accidents. That in itself takes an artistic sense.
if i type teh instead of the once more I will slit my own throat.
Say Luke, you mentioned NWO stuff in the good & evil post i did... do you listen to Alex Jones? I've been getting REALLY into his show lately. I listen to his show & then these other shows "Against the Grain" & "Guns & Butter"... they're more super far left, but i combine all of the analysis for a complete radical picture. It's good stuff.
Also, I hope to see you do some sort of series of these images, I think an entire wall of framed pictures in this style would be fucking awesome.
I'm an avid Alex Jones listener; I have all of his films and subscribe to his site. I think he's spot-on in most respects. His analysis of Globalism is the most ferocious and to the point. I got into him right after 911. I believe it was an inside job and looked for others that thought the same. When I came across Jones' prediction, made two months before 911 that a 'false flag' terror attack would hit the US and be blamed on Osama , I knew I found someone worth listening to.
I'll email you my password to PPTV, so you can access all of his movies and audio archives.
I look Elephantastic in that photo, thanks very much.
(Note: Owens' coment was posted a while ago, but for some reason, I have to 'okay' every freaking post, so it just showed up a minit ago)
I do prefer to have a very solid idea of what I'm trying to achieve in every drawing I make. I still feel that way. I didn't express it properly in the post, but It's only lately that my efforts have failed to work out. I felt like it was a little cosmic fart in my direction that I couldn't do anything I wanted to, but came across things I liked accidentally.
But, yeah, ultimately, I'm still all about the idea of achieving what you set out to in art. I was just holding the grip a little too tight .
I remember reading an interview with that degenerate junkie fucker Harmony Korine ( director of nihilism as fashion spread movies like GUMMO) wherein he spoke about his 'artistic' ethos being about what he called 'mistakism'; the only things that are worthwhile are accidents, since humanity, and the human desire to achieve are nothng but sick jokes.
Oh, yeah, I'm not sure I'll ever do comics again.
Why's that? You might be able to find a good middle ground between more straightforward artwork and the narrative structure of comic books by doing a small series of drawings that relate to one another? I've said this before but I think a sequence of 15 or 20 of your strange fantasy works printed in a book would really take off. Perhaps a page of text accompanying each image as well?
I might do something like that Aeron. I'm looking at the stuff I'm working on right now more like illuminated manuscripts than straightforward comics. I just don't have that narrative bone in me ( and , no I don't want it inme, thanks..) . I like concepts and ideas, but putting them intoa narrative context is so tedious..
I think having a series of loosely related images where you allow the audience to fill in the blanks can potentially make for a better story or illusion of a story then what hundreds of panels could offer.
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