26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36
epilogue 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
And there's Strange World. It could do with some tweaks here and there, some more cleaning up, but that's the book and it was an interesting experiment that taught me a lot of things about making comics. I'd originaly scripted out another 300 pages for this book that I abandoned in favor of Hob Bob. A lot of what was going to go into future issue of this are now being merged into the Hob Bob book.
Here are some thumbnail sketch pages that were intended for a future issue of Strange World. In these The tall figure in the hat that is seen in the last pages of Strange World escapes with a fellow traveler from guardians of a palace where they were being imprisoned. These pages might be reworked into Hob Bob, not sure yet. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
I managed to print out 10 pages of strange world last week then forgot to pick 'em up, doh!
It amazes me that you can stay so focused on a project for 300 pages?! it's rather humbling really...
I know, aeron is an animal! I have a hard time not getting bored with something before I've finished one page..
I've got the whole epic on file now too- thanks Aeron.
Thanks, it grows into an obsession for me so I guess that makes it easier to stick to. And the idea usually grows with time. Hob Bob started as a 50 page fuck off book that was to be made entirely of quick drawings, then it grew into a few hundred pages of fully detailed drawings, and then 400 pages and now I'm in the final rewriting phase and I'm working it into a 600 page book. I'm crazy!
600 pages?! wow! like luke I get bored with stuff mega quick, what a kick up the arse!
you've put a lot of work into this comic, I can really see it being a good foundation for waht is to come. Looking forward to the Hob Bob book.
Thanks, I've mentioned this before but something that I'm planning on including in the Hob Bob book is a giant fold out map of the world. Here's an early sketch version of it, gives a good example of the birds eye tilted view the map will have. The goal is to have the book travel across every area of this map through the eyes of multiple characters, good and bad.
Mind blowing stuff as usual Aeron. You are a never-ending creator of demons, it's ridiculous almost. Do you have dreams about them?
Not usually, I remember several years ago dreaming about walking through a desert that had giant black pyramids. It was kind of like that scene in Phantasm when they go to the otherworld where the Tall Man grows the mutated midget creatures. Anyway, while I was walking the ground began to shake and giant red skulls began pushing out of the sand. I watched as 2 giant red skeletons lifted out of the ground. I remember specifically in the dream because it was so weird standing still and looking straight up as the two giant red skeletons floated into the sky. The weird thing was they began to drift around like they were giant kites made of paper. That's all I remember but I know the reason I had the vision of the red skeletons was because I had this halloween decoration of a skeleton that I'd painted red and had decorated on the wall next to my bed.
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