Anyhow, I submitted a drawing and the editor, Sean, accepted it.
The deal is pretty standard; one time use, no pay, etc. The only thing I find lacking in our arrangement is that I was told they could not afford to send each contributor a copy, which seems odd..*
It doesn't bother me too much though.
He's listed a few other anthologies as works in progress. I'm sure he wouldn't mind looking at a few jpegs you send his way.
Have you been solicited for submissions recently?
Should we put together our own anthology?
The above-mentioned Sean has alerted me to his plans to provide a comp. copy for each contributor. Please keep this in mind.
Oh, and, thanks Sean.***
-Edited by Luke on 1-15-07
Another addendum/email from Sean:
"Hi Luke, I saw the blog entry on eatenbyducks.com for War/ paper Tiger, thanks for putting it on there, but I wondered if you could please make two changes. Firstly, all contributors will get a free complimentary copy of any anthologies they submit to, but i may have to ask half of the shipping costs for overseas contributors ....Also, could you mention that the deadlines for Paper Tiger Comix 4 and WAR is February 15th, and that the website hasn't been updated in a while so all enquiries should come through me
Oh, yeah, I'm still not able to moderate comments as much I'd like. In fact, having been away from the interweb for a couple of days, I had to 'publih' comments that were posted days ago.
If anybody can add their email to the 'administration' list, that'd be great.
Oh, yeah, according to our site meter, we're getting just over 200 hits per day, on average. This is good..
that's well gay he wont post u one, it would only cost liek 50p. if he likes ur stuff enough to want to print it...
Hi Luke, I am actually going to give a free copy to each contributer so please could you amend that in the post. I may have to ask for half of the shipping cost though, as I have to send & pay for shipping for over 70 copies (there's currently around 50 artists and 22 musicians involved for WAR alone). Could you also please mention that Deadline for "WAR" & Paper Tiger #4 is February 15th and that Tales Of Terror'd deadline is end of March.
Sean, paper tiger comix
That's a great number of hits.
As for Paper Tiger, I have four pages in the next one. There are many contributors and to make it work I don't think he can afford to give a copy to everyone involved. He used to get people to split the printing costs between them and then in return the contributors would get some of the copies to sell on.
Yeah, I dunno. It's wierd having to pay for a book that your art is printed in. I understand it, but, yeah.
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