I just completed this little comic for a Roctober/Chica-Go-Go project http://www.roctober.com/. It's Pedro Bell, best known for his Parliament/Funkadelic art work being interviewed by Chica-Go-Go host Ratso. Here goes a cool interview with Pedro Bell from an old issue of Roctober. http://www.roctober.com/roctober/greatness/pfunk.html What i particularly found cool was that Pedro Bell found some of his earliest influence from Ed Roth/Rat Fink stuff. http://www.ratfink.org/ Because of this, i decided to up the Rat Fink influence in my own illustration here. I do believe that you will find the strength of my own cosmic understandings here with a skinhead rat interviewing a crazy black artist with a marker bandolier.
That's cool. I have to look into thisguy.
That marker bandolier is awesome! Yeah the good ol days when you could do album covers and they'd be appreciated like actual works of art in giant record format. Nowadays you get miniature album covers on your ipod screen. Oh well, beats having to put a record on when you want to listen to an album.
I like the art; and Roctober's great. I keep meaning to go to Chic-a-go-go (the all ages dance party) again with my toddler. Hopefully soon....
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