This photo is of some tattered stickers that were originally on the inside of a cupboard door in my dad's magic shed. They were and still are very inspiring, I found out eventually that the two on the right are by the great Basil Wolverton, but I don't know who the left one is by, does anyone know?
My desk is just a regular wooden table, I like to have my stereo speakers on it, a good view of the tv and a light on the left.
haha, none of us have a proper drawing board at the minute. I was given a free one by a pal, it was bloody massive though so I can't take that everywehere with me. We are improper artists.
I have one...
I feel like I should get rid of it now..
I love Wolverton. One of us should do a nice, image-leaden, juicy post about him.
I've got a decent amount of Wolverton , I might do that sometime. Great mask by the way. I did some last June of a bunch of demon faces made of red paint, marker and cardboard. I fastened wire around the back which worked really well for fitting onto any sized head.
i draw on the floor, so i'm with everyone else on no drawing board. my folks got divorced when i started drawing alot, so i was basically living out of a sling bag. then later i never had a proper place to live for any length of time so i lived out of a sling bag still. now, i have to watch my son at home while working on stuff so i've gone back to the sling bag, i just got a new one this morning! whee! i figure that i will be very advantageous after the apocalypse.
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